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Ongoing Projects
- Wi-Qi BRL: Towards Integrating 6G Wireless and 2G Quantum, NRF, 06/01/2022~02/28/2025
- ITRC: 6H Next Generation Mobile Communications Technology, IITP, 07/01/2021~12/31/2028
- BK21 FOUR: Convergence Engineering Institute for Emerging Communication Technology, NRF, 09/01/2020~08/31/2027
- Foundations for Quantum Networking with Quantum Enigmata, NRF, 03/01/2019~02/28/2024
- Graduate School of Security Convergence, IITP, 07/01/2023~12/31/2028
Past Projects
- Resource Allocation and Admission Control for Automated Cloud Radio Access Network Slicing (NRF-NSFC Collaboration), NRF, 07/01/2019~06/30/2021
- CO2HA: Consilience of Future Communication for Human Augmentation (BK21 PLUS), NRF, 09/01/2013~08/31/2020
- Hyperentanglement-Assisted Hybrid Quantum Communication, NRF, 06/01/2016~05/31/2019
- SKT-QKD: Reliable Crypto-system Standards and Core Technology Development for Secure Quantum Key Distribution Network, IITP, 06/01/2015-05/31/2019
- Foundations for Molecular Communication: Towards Nanonetworks (Adventurous Research Program), NRF, 06/01/2013~05/31/2016
- Intelligent Vehicle IT Research Center (ERC), NRF, 09/01/2009~02/29/2016
- Foundations for Autonomous Localization: Towards Unifying Cyber and Physical Systems (Global Research Network Program, Collaboration with Prof. Moe Win at MIT), NRF, 09/01/2011~08/31/2014
- Vehicular Network Modeling for Intervehicle Communications, KHU, 03/01/2013~02/28/2014
- Network Interference Control and Multiple-Access Channel Coding for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, NRF, 05/01/2010~04/30/2013
- Creativity in Mobile Multimedia (BK 21), NRF, 03/01/2009~02/28/2013
- Cooperative Wireless Localization, LG Electronics, 10/01/2011~09/30/2012
- Physical-Layer Security for Wireless Networks, MEST, 05/01/2009~04/30/2011
- Game-Theoretic Cross-layer Design for Wireless Communications, MKE, 03/01/2008~02/28/2011
- Multihop Relay Digital Fountain MIMO Communication for Next-Generation Wireless Networks, KOSEF, 05/01/2007~02/29/2010
- MIMO Cooperative Communication and Distributed Space-Time Coding for Next-Generation High-Speed Wireless Networks, KRF, 07/01/2006~06/30/2008
- Research on Multihop Relay MIMO Wireless Communication Systems, KHU, 03/01/2007~02/29/2008
- Optimal Antenna Diversity Combining for Cooperative Wireless Communications, KHU, 03/01/2006~02/29/2007
- Information and Coding Theoretic Aspects of MIMO Systems, KOSEF, 09/01/2004~02/19/2006